Speaker Briefing Information

Thank you for agreeing to present at the Asia Pacific Offshore Wind and Green Hydrogen Summit 2023, being held from 29-31 August 2023 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, Australia.

We have included some information below to assist in your planning and to allow us to communicate any information you may need. Please note, this page is subject to change and we will contact you pre-conference to ensure you are seeing the most up to date information. 

Summit dates: Tuesday 29 - Thursday 31 August 2023
Venue: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

You are entitled to a complimentary day registration for the day you are speaking and you must formally register for the Summit. 

Please refer to your original speaker confirmation email for your personalised registration link. Please
do not register separately through the main website as there is no complimentary speaker registration option available through the main page.

Your individual registration link also includes a speaker agreement form which must be signed to be a speaker as a part of this conference.

You may collect your badge from the registration desk outside Door 7 in the Exhibition Centre during the below times:

  • Tuesday 29th August: 7.30am - 5.30pm
  • Wednesday 30th August: 8.00am - 5.30pm
  • Thursday 31st August: 8.00am - 5.30pm

Please refer to the latest program available here.

The program is still in the process of being finalised, so please refer to the Program Overview for the most recent version. Once the program is set, we will resend your confirmation emails with your allocated session time.

Please ensure your slides and content can be covered within your allocated time. Please refer to the latest program to understanding your timing requirements. It is imperative the Summit runs to schedule so as not to encroach on the limited speaking time of others. To assist in the preparation of your presentation, please note the following:

  • If your presentation contains any movie files or sound please ensure that you embed these files into your presentation. We also suggest you bring a copy of these additional files on a usb stick as an added pre-caution. 
  • Please set your PowerPoint presentation to a ratio of 16:9 (how-to instructions here)
  • You will be responsible for advancing your own slides via the remote clicker positioned at the lectern. 
  • Mac Users are asked to save your presentation in a PC compatible PowerPoint format as Mac applications will not be available.

For further information, please see linked here the Presentation Specifications direct from Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Audio Visual team.

You do not need to submit your presentation ahead of your speaking day. Please go to the Speaker Preparation Room at least 2 hours prior to your presentation time to submit your presentation with the AV team. If you are speaking early the next day, please submit the day prior if you can.

Please also bring your presentation on a USB as a backup.

The Speaker Preparation Room will be located inside the Exhibition Hall.

Your presentation will then be sent directly to the AV team in your room.

On Arrival
Please head to the Speaker Briefing Room at least 45 minutes prior to your first session to have a briefing on how to run the Q&A in each session.

Please be in your room at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of your session to meet with the speakers. Speakers will be seated in the front row and called to the lectern when introduced by you. Due to time limitations, it is suggested biographies can be read out, however they are to be reduced down to the main points by the moderator before introducing the speaker.

Should your speaker not arrive at your session, please contact Program Co-ordinator Hannah Walsh on +61 3 9907 8637.

Presentation Timings
It is imperative that you enforce time limits for all sessions. The speakers will have a timer in front of them to keep them to time, however we ask that you brief your speakers to remind them to keep an eye on their timer and keep to time. If a speaker runs overtime, we ask that you assist the conference team in helping wrap a speaker up by either giving a visual cue or, in more drastic measures, moving toward the stage to help end their presentation by vocally thanking them.

Should the speaker take up their entire allocation of time with content, questions will not be possible. Perhaps suggest delegates meet with the speaker at the close of the session.

Your Moderator will meet you at the front of the stage in the break before your presentation time. For example, if you are speaking in a session after lunch, please meet your Moderator towards the end of lunch in the room you are presenting in at least 30 minutes before the presentations for that session begin.

Your session will begin with everyone in the panel already onstage. Your moderator will introduce you one by one and then the panel will begin. 

Audio Visual
For all panel sessions, speakers will be given a handheld microphone. Please make sure you hold your handheld microphone at a distance of 10-20cm away from your mouth and directly upright if possible. The AV team will also turn on and off your microphone from the sound desk as you speak, you will not need to do this yourself.  

Session Briefing
The GWEC team will be scheduling calls and sending briefing notes ahead of the conference to brief panelists on their session topics. The briefing notes will contain the structure of the session, a session description, potential questions and other important information. 

Each session room will be set up with the following audio-visual equipment: 

  • Data projector and screen
  • Remote clicker and pointer
  • Lectern and microphone
  • Lapel microphone 
  • Laptop 
  • Foldback monitor to view your presentation and countdown to assist in managing your presentation time
  • Tub chairs and handheld microphones for any panel sessions

There will be an audio visual technician in the room throughout your presentation. 

Please visit the Registration Desk if you require assistance at any time during the Summit or contact Hannah Walsh on +61 3 9907 8637 or Olivia Harvey on +61 3 9907 8639.

APAC Summit 2023 Office 
If you have any questions prior to the Summit, please contact Olivia Harvey as follows: 
D +61 3 9907 8639
E olivia@wsm.com.au

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@GlobalWindEnergyCounci   @Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC)   @GWECGlobalWind

119 Buckhurst Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311