Asia-Pacific region leading the offshore wind revolution
Offshore wind is about to turbo-charge the energy transition, and the Asia-Pacific region is posed to be the driving force behind this new era of clean energy. Australia has a key role in the region’s transition and Melbourne is at the forefront of the revolution. The region has become a byword for ambitious offshore wind targets that are beginning to transform regional and local economies, delivering locally-blown affordable, secure and clean energy. 

Achieving the regions ambitious targets brings with it challenges that the industry, policymakers and institutions must work together to overcome. Topics such as avoiding supply-chain bottlenecks, how to drive investment into the industry, reviewing market design and tackling supply-chain bottlenecks can all be addressed with cooperation and collaboration. 

The Asia Pacific Offshore Wind & Green Hydrogen Summit provides the perfect forum to develop the innovative and collaborative solutions that will overcome these obstacles and deliver a renewable energy future for the APAC region. That's why GWEC and our event partners are bringing together the region’s best and brightest from government, private sector, and civil society to tackle these challenges head-on

Join us in Melbourne
Join us at the Asia Pacific Offshore Wind & Green Hydrogen Summit 2023 to be at the heart of the APAC region’s energy transition.  

You will gain valuable insights, be able to network with industry leaders, and can contribute to the collective effort to build a more sustainable future for all. 

Registration is now open!
Full registration is available here.  To register now click the button below:

Speaker highlights

The Hon Chris Bowen MP
Minister for Climate Change
and Energy
Australian Ministry

The Hon Lily D'Ambrosio
Minister for Energy, Environment
and Climate Change
Victoria State Government

Anh Mai
Executive Director
Offshore Wind Energy Victoria (OWEV)
Victoria State Government

Jonathan Cole
Corio Generation

Thomas Wibe Poulsen
Partner, APAC Lead
Infrastructure Partners

Derek McKay
Executive General
Manager Offshore Wind
and Generation
Shell Energy Australia

Ben Backwell
Global Wind Energy Council

Kane Thornton
Clean Energy Council

Jonas Moberg
Green Hydrogen

Stewart Mullin
Global Wind Energy Council
Mark Leybourne
Offshore Wind Program Lead
The World Bank Group

Liming Qiao
Head of Asia
Global Wind Energy Council

Mark Hutchinson
Global Wind Energy Council

Aaron Smith
Chief Commercial Officer
Principle Power

Anna Freeman
Policy Director
Clean Energy Council

Arron Wood
Chief Policy
and Impact Officer
Clean Energy Council

Nicholas Aberle
Policy Director
Clean Energy Council

Morgan Rossiter
Senior Policy Officer
Clean Energy Council

Henrik Stiesdal
Founder, Chief Technical Officer
and Board Member



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119 Buckhurst Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311