Amisha Patel
Director of Global Public Affairs Offshore Wind (on secondment) at the Global Wind Energy
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Amisha Patel is Mainstream Renewable Power’s Global Head of Public Affairs and Policy strategically guiding the companies positioning and leading engagement with government globally. She has joined GWEC on secondment, as of June 2023 until April 2024 to support the growth and advance workstreams for the Global Offshore Wind Alliance (GOWA) which was co-founded by the Government of Denmark, IRENA and GWEC and launched at COP 27. Prior to joining Mainstream, she was leading public affairs, stakeholder engagement and communications for Californian Headquartered Principle Power – the world leader in floating offshore wind technology. Amisha has worked in the energy sector globally for over 15 years having built and led the global power and renewables team at the Energy Industries Council where she directed government relations, global supply chain engagement, and energy export campaigns for offshore wind. Having started her career with the UK’s civil service Amisha has extensive experience in international government relations and shaping renewable energy policy and has served in previous roles with developers Statkraft and ESB as well trade bodies EnergyUK and MakeUK. Amisha currently serves on the shadow board of RenewableUK and has previously served as a board member of trade association Offshore Wind California as well as the TMA BlueTech cluster in San Diego. She was recently seconded to the California Energy Commission International relations unit to conduct a study tour focus on OSW learnings from Europe.

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