Daniel Nugent
Head of Portfolio Development, EnergyAustralia
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Daniel Nugent is the Head of Portfolio Development at EnergyAustralia, which is responsible for the Commercial origination and execution activities to transition EnergyAustralia’s energy portfolio to a cleaner energy future. Daniel has a background in Corporate Finance, with extensive transactional and business development experience. 

Daniel led EnergyAustralia’s participation in Victoria’s first two large scale battery storage projects at Ballarat and Gannawarra, as well as the Kidston pumped hydro energy storage project in Queensland, for which EnergyAustralia will be the market operator once constructed. Amongst other initiatives, Daniel is currently overseeing EnergyAustralia’s development of the Wooreen 350MW battery system to be located at Jeeralang in Victoria, a 500MW battery system at Mt Piper, a 335MW pumped hydro energy storage project at Lake Lyell in NSW, and a range of renewable energy initiatives including offshore wind.

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