Joanna Kay
General Manager, Zero Carbon Hydrogen Australia 
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As General Manager for Zero Carbon Hydrogen Australia, I lead the organisation to drive renewable energy adaptation to support the decarbonisation of global economies, and advocate for Hydrogen as a clean and sustainable fuel for the future! Hydrogen Australia is a peak industry body for the renewable hydrogen industry and promotes the development and adoption of renewable hydrogen and associated products.

I work to advocate for policy and regulatory frameworks that support the global transition to clean energy markets. I work to support the development of an ecosystem of renewable energy resources to ensure energy access and security for all. I draw on my public and private experience across Australia, China and India, with my passion for development to drive change, in collaboration with partners in government, multilateral organisations, NGOs, and the philanthropic sector.

Sustainable development is what drives me. Throughout my career I have advocated for a better world, to address the needs of our generation, and protect the interests of future generations. Sustainable development affords people and the planet an opportunity to prosper and I am committed to action in achieving this goal.

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