José Oriol Hoyos
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Iberdrola Renovables Internacional
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Chairman of the Board of Directors of Iberdrola Renovables Internacional, S.A.U., Jose is an Industrial Engineer with a specialty in Mechanical Engineering from the Instituto Católico de Artes e Industrias (ICAI) in Madrid. He completed the General Management Program (PDG) at Escuela de Dirección del Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa of Universidad de Navarra (IESE Business School). 

Before joining Iberdrola in 1996, Jose started his professional career working for Bechtel Construction in several nuclear maintenance projects in the US. He has gained experience in all the different lines of a utility business in his over 25 years in Iberdrola and almost all of his responsibilities were involved in growing the activity of the company internationally. After his initial years in the Corporate Development team, José directed the Altamira combined cycle projects in Mexico in the early 2000’s, then as Development Director for the Engineering and Construction activity he contributed to the growth of its activity in Middle East, Europe, US, and Latin America between 2005 and 2010. Then he joined the Renewables division as Director for the International markets where he was able to support the growth of onshore renewables in Brazil, México, and Europe. After 5 years involved in the management of Iberdrola Network business, and since late 2021 is leading expansion of the offshore activities of the Iberdrola Group in Asia as Off-Shore APAC Director.

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