Nam Quach
Development Manager, Skyborn Renewables
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Nam has over 18 years experience in the energy sector, spanning diverse roles across project development, including with wind turbine OEMs Goldwind and Senvion, as well as gen-tailers EnergyAustralia and TRUenergy, fund management with Octopus and specialist technical consultancy. With project experience across Asia, Europe and Australia, Nam is excited to be a part of the emerging offshore wind sector with Skyborn Renewables Australia and has a strong passion driving the energy transition. ​Nam has led the development of several wind farm projects, involved at all stages from origination through to financial close. He is experienced in completing landholder agreements, development approvals, grid connection, stakeholder management, EPC contracting and supporting the process to arrange project finance. ​Qualified in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Nam also holds an Executive MBA. 

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