Shashi Barla
Director / Head of Research Renewable Energy, Brinkmann Group
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Shashi has over 13 years of experience in the global wind energy industry, with solid expertise and knowledge spanning the value chain spectrum. In addition, he brings knowledge, experience and expertise from working within the industry and as an external consultant.

He is a well-recognised wind industry thought leader, a renowned speaker, panellist and chairman at leading wind conferences globally. He is often quoted by leading media outlets like Financial Times, New York Times, Economic Times, China South Daily, Bloomberg, Recharge and Wind Power Monthly, among many others.

As Head of Research at Brinckmann, Shashi’s role is to build and scale up the research practice for mainstream and emerging renewable technologies like Wind onshore and offshore, Solar PV and Power to X. In addition, the practice provides data, analysis, intelligence, and strategic recommendations to clients across the value chain spectrum.

Shashi is passionate about market intelligence, strategy, economy and energy transition. He contributes his humble part in enabling companies and stakeholders to accelerate the global energy transition and decarbonise the global economy. He provides insights, foresight and strategic direction for renewable energy stakeholders.

Before joining Brinckman, Shashi was the Global Head of Wind Supply Chain and Technology Research Practice at Wood Mackenzie, where he authored five of the top ten wind research publications for five years. Before joining Wood Mackenzie, Shashi spent over six years at LM Wind Power Denmark, where he was a global key account manager and worked in various roles, primarily in the global market intelligence and strategy function. He was instrumental in GE’s acquisition of LM Wind Power for EUR 1.5bn in 2016 from a market intelligence and strategy standpoint.

Shashi holds a Master’s in Business Administration, Global Opportunities and Threat Analysis from the London School of Economics. He also holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics from Anna University, India.

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